Do you think that your wage maybe garnished in the near future because you haven't yet paid your taxes? A wage garnishment can have serious disastrous consequences on your life. A wage garnishment only happens after a creditor files a lawsuit. If you owe debt to the creditor, the creditor may choose to file a lawsuit. If you owe the IRS money there are several ways to pay. The stop IRS wage garnishment has several ways to pay over time and these options are:
- if your case is severe enough, filing for bankruptcy
If you do nothing, the IRS will initiate its collection process.
IRS Collection process
The IRS won't garnish your wages without first giving you notice and an opportunity to make payment arrangements. The tax code only limits what the IRS is required to leave. Collection Period Expires
In most cases, the statute of limitations for the IRS to collect back taxes is 10 years from the date of assessment.
- if your case is severe enough, filing for bankruptcy
If you do nothing, the IRS will initiate its collection process.
IRS Collection process
The IRS won't garnish your wages without first giving you notice and an opportunity to make payment arrangements. The tax code only limits what the IRS is required to leave. Collection Period Expires
In most cases, the statute of limitations for the IRS to collect back taxes is 10 years from the date of assessment.
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